Welcome to Circle Centered Health
Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor
In 2005 my youngest daughter became very ill with digestion issues. She was throwing up daily and her upper body was covered in eczema. Her doctor wanted to give her a cream to treat the eczema. I knew the skin issue was most likely due to something going on inside, so insisted that he look further. A few months later, she was diagnosed with Celiac disease. Her future health depended on food. I learned everything I could at the time and became very interested in the subject. I have been wanting to work in nutrition since then, but at the time I needed to keep my day job!

Becoming an empty nester allowed me to dedicate more time to the study of nutrition and to make this my full-time career. I studied through the Full Body Systems of the Functional Nutritional Alliance–an intense twenty-month course. I have a detailed knowledge of every body system and am now able to help clients “clear the muddy waters” and get to the root cause of an illness so that true healing can begin. Nutrition and lifestyle play a role in every single system of our bodies and I look forward to working holistically with each client to empower them in their unique healing journey.